Sussex Digital In Reach Team provides a free platform on which Care Providers across Sussex can access free advice and support on technology, digitalisation and data protection. We are run by the care providers for the care providers, overseen by your Care Associations, both West Sussex Partners and East Sussex RCA. All of our materials, training and webinars are open to you and completely free of charge.
Our Offer:
Our team provides free advice and support on a range of digital projects including:
• DSCR (Electronic Care Planning) Implementation
• Electronic Medication administration systems (EMAR)
• Falls Prevention & Remote Monitoring
• Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)
. Digital Readiness – can your systems cope and how to update
• Cyber Security
• Digital Skills – Training, IT Support and resources
. Hydration Pilot
. NHS Mail. Proxy Access
Our Mission
We are living in a world where technology can provide very positive benefits, but fear of change and new ways of working can often be unsettling.
Our mission is to support care providers across Sussex to access and deliver digital transformation, realising the full potential of technology to improve care.